Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well, I am going to try something different. I turned 31 on Friday and now I am going to make a list of random things, thanksgivings, fun memories, and the likes...

1. At 21 I had shot after shot of who knows what, at 31 I had a simple but wonderful glass of Riesling with a toast from family.
2. Your thirty's are better because you know more about yourself & life.
3. I have two kids... blessings, and the source of my weariness.
4. Nine and half years of marriage to Hans... ups and downs but all in all a source of much gratitude.
5. My parents- they said that it was hard for one of their kids to turn 31 (I am the oldest) here is what dad said in his card "Seems like only yesterday I was holding you in the hospital thinking 'What the hell do I do now!' I hope I've done okay! Yes, dad, you did! So did you, mom!
6. Roman Art Exhibit. For my birthday on Friday we went to this exhibit at IMA. One Word- AMAZING. I loved every second of it. Staring at figures that effected the history of the world gave me chills.
7. 15 years ago my mom and friends from high school had a surprise b-day party for my sweet 16th. I was probably wearing a sweater vest (I was a sweater vest queen, by the way) and on cloud nine because I loved the high school scene with friends.
8. Gerbera Daisies- Yesterday when I went to my mom's, Abe walks in with a pot of red daisies and yelled "happy birthday mom!"
9. Grandma. I love her to pieces, I doubt she has ever NOT sent me a birthday card with a message in it. Every card she sends me she always says this: Say "hi" to Hans. She always puts the hi in quotations.
10. Common Ground Christian Church. We have been going here and we are now part of a house church. In worship this morning I felts safe and welcomed. Our service was about Thanksgiving, and I realized today that I do not know what I would do right now if we did not have this small group of believers- even though I don't know most of them- it seems like I this is exactly where God wants us.
11. The IU Hoosiers! All my life I have rooted for this team. This weekend they won the old oak and bucket and they won in basketball the scored 100 points.
12. Pike High School. It only seems appropriate to mention my high school- their football team is going to state at the dome next Saturday! Never in my memory have they done this well in football.
13. My brothers. Chas and Daniel. They both called me on Friday to wish me a Happy B-day! Gotta love them!
14. German Chocolate cake. For years I always have this for my birthday. I had it this year, too!
15. Old friends and new ones. On my Facebook I got many birthday wishes!
16. The Reads. They are so dear to us. We love them like they were our family and they are giving us the much needed nurture, prayer and encouragement right now. My prayer is- please God don't take them away right now. Ron is looking for a job so I am scared they could move.
17. My nieces. These two lovlies are the closest things I have to daughters right now. At my birthday party, they were singing with Koryn's rendition of the extra "Cha cha cha's" and Ella's cute little words with a random blow in the middle of the chorus for the candles here and there!
18. Joy tea. Okay, you know how I love a good cup of tea. Well, Starbucks (dare I say) has this blend of teas they put out for the holidays. Hans bought me a whole case- yummy! My obsession is a bit freakish, but I truly love this tea! I think about it all year! Much like thier iced tea in the spring and summer.
19. Cold Tangerines. I finished this book and it has left a lasting impression. I love it. Which brings me to another point, she is 30, and I realized that my generation (generation X) is getting wise enough to be published. Chalk it up for another reason why 30's are better- people may listen to you more!
20. Charlie Brown. We have been watching the Charlie Brown Christmas. I love it that my boys are enjoying the same things I did when I was growing up.
21. Jonah. The kid wakes up running, climbing and jumping. He is either keeping me young or making me old... I will let you choose. Lately he has been yelling at the top of his lungs "football". Maybe a prophesy considering he is probably going to be a linebacker.
22. Turkey. Yes, this is the week we get to eat it. We love it and are looking forward to it.
23. Angie. My sister. She graduates in 3 weeks!! yeah!
24. The amazing journey that we are taking with Jesus. I would not have been able to predict my life so far. I don't always show my excitement because half the time I am trying to figure out what is going on, but I am convinced that this is one of the most exciting ways to live- walking the path God has laid before you in His Son. 10 years ago I would have laughed in your face if you told us this is what our life would be like! God is amazing.
25. The song "Thank you". We sang it today at church. It is simple but I love it. There are only a few lines and the words are "Thank you for Finding me... Thank you for loving me... thank you for saving me... thank you for healing me."
26. The hope of a white Christmas. Growing up I would start wishing right around Thanksgiving that it would snow for Christmas. I would try and analyze the fact that if we had not gotten snow by the middle of December, then surely we would have snow on Christmas.
27. Prayers. I know so many people are praying for us. I hope that one day maybe in heaven we will see some of the prayers that have been made for us. I am sure that it will blow all of our minds away to truly know.
28. Past birthdays. I don't always remember WHAT I got, but I remember the feeling of love and acceptance every year. My family loves to celebrate. That is what I remember.
29. Hope. We are promised a hope in Jesus Christ. I need that right now. I am grateful for this and I love the fact that each day is new with this same promise.
30. Provision. God has provided for us- our needs and wants. Down to the detail. Amazing.
31. Another year to be able to enjoy, soak up and grow in to. I know that next year, I will have all new stories, blessings, and things to share- even in the simple.


Anonymous said...

You are amazing. "31" and you are very wise. You have grown to be a remarkable woman, wife, mom and daughter. Thank-you God for Stacey.

The Mollet Family said...

Happy Birthday to a fellow 31ster--if that's even a way to write it!!

You've prompted me to reflect on my life as well...

Anonymous said...

Stacey, I can't believe you are 31...I guess that means...I am no longer 31! Since I was about that age when you and I were actively in each other's lives. I don't know what has gone on with you and Hans but I do know this. God is bigger than any set of circumstances, than any situation, than any poor decision made by human beings. He promises us a "hope and a future" and He means it! Be faithful and be patient, I will pray for you. Much love, Laura