Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Well another year. I like the fact that we have an open road ahead of us. Thankfully, 2007 is over and we can look to what blessings will come. Every year I struggle with resolutions and making them and keeping them. This year, I am throwing them out the window. They have never worked for me, I am tired of buying into the self-help attitude when all I really need to acknowledge is that Jesus accepts me for who I am. Imperfections and all. No more regrets, no more guilt.

I am declaring this year a year of Love- love for my Lord, for all the people that he put in my life or will put in my life and love for myself. This is not going to be a list of changes I want to make this year. This is going to be about all the hope that this year brings me.

No doubt, the promise of hope for a future will be what we cling to this year. So much is unknown, yet, in this moment we are surrounded by people who love us. I know that God is putting into place the exact spot where he wants us, we just are waiting to find it.

Here are some "pit-stops" on our road this year-
1. Hans is interning at Traders Point Christian Academy. It is exciting for him to be learning and teaching bible to middle school kids.
2. I am close to getting a job! I am going to be a working mom and am pretty excited about getting back into the workforce. I have interviewed at some pretty cool places.
3. Hans completes his last semester of classes before his thesis... we are so close to being out of this season!!
4. Abe will be 5 and Jonah will be 2!
5. A new niece will be born in our family in couple of months... can't wait to meet her!

Sure there are a lot of things I want to "change" or do better, but I would not be human if that weren't the case. I am going to take one day at a time and focus on what my blessings are today. Change will come because I am a new creation in Christ and he is always at work in me.

Here is one last picture that sums up our Christmas... Abe and Jonah in the midst of Holiday glee! They were so happy they actually are holding hands without being told to!!

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