Friday, March 21, 2008

My little Samson!

So you are probably wondering what in the heck I am talking about. Last night I gave Abe a haircut- well, shave really. Here is the story of my night---

Right before I started cooking dinner, I got a phone call from my dad, and we were chatting. Like usual when i am on the phone, the boys act up. Well, Abe was being a stinker and I told him to wait in his room and I would be up in minute. (He has had a hard time this week adjusting to mommy being gone, so he is trying to get my attention.) After the call I went up to find him and he was hacking away at his hair telling me it was too long. I gave him a hug and told him that we would cut it later not to worry. I am trying to show him as much grace as possible right now.

We had dinner, went for a walk, and came home to get ready for bed. While I was examining his hair cut I started trimming and it was cut to the scalp in a lot of places. He was squirmy and I decided maybe it would be better if we got the clippers out. I could not find the gaurds, but I thought, I will just be careful and try to trim it longer. Wrong idea, he is bald now.

After taking one look in the mirror, he freaked. I did not expect his reaction. During the shave, I kept thinking, this is WAY too short, but we can't go back now. He took one look at it and immediately started crying and screaming - saying this is scarry! I kept reassuring him that mommy likes it (in a neo-nazi kind of way). No our family is not a family of skinheads... but we now because Hans and Jonah are taking one for the team. We are shaving them tomorrow.

He was really worried about if it will grow back. When Abe was eating a little snack while I cleaned the kitchen, he looked up and said, "I don't want to show mimi". I told him that it look cute and although I love his curly hair, it will grow back.

Funny thing is that he thought it was going to grow back last night. Two lessons were learned-

1. Don't shave your head right before easter because you will resemble the easter egg.
2. From here on out, we will be taking the boys to get their hair cut by professionals- yes, I guess I will dish out the $$ for it.

If you see Abe, do me favor and don't laugh. Try and be encouraging!

1 comment:

Jenibug7 said...

HILARIOUS!!! I just read someone else's blog last week about her son crying about a haircut- sort of a similar situation actually. It made me laugh! Thankfully, those sweet curls DO grow back! We buzz elias every summer and by October he always has his little afro back. :)