Monday, April 07, 2008

soccer, sixty degrees, reading, yard work, delighting

We had an absolutely wonderful weekend. Here is the point- we hung out at home most of time. It was awesome. Saturday we had a pancakes, sausage, and eggs, I cleaned out and organized all the closets and the kitchen- I was like a mad woman, actually! We all got to take naps, we played outside, and we had what Abe called a pajama party- I made homemade pizza, and breadsticks, we cleaned up and got on our jammies and watched Alvin and the Chipmonks. After the boys went to bed Hans and I watched Beowolf- which is an odd story.

On Sunday we went and watched Adyson Joy get dedicated at TPCC. She is so precious! We also went to lunch with everyone. Played outside some more, raked leaves, grilled out, went for a walk and basically hung out together. I miss weekends like this, it has been an awful long time for us to not have to work, go places, or have things to do.

I talked to Abe on the phone and he said he was playing outside- "it's 60 degrees today, mom!" We are so ready for warmer weather. He is going to have a great week because he starts soccer this week. His first game is on Saturday!! We also have been doing reading lessons... he is so eager, I thought that I would not delay it if he is ready.

Jonah is going to be 2 in 2 weeks. Cannot believe it. Time goes to quickly, although, I am ready for him to get out the "terrible twos"! We are in the midst of planning for his b-day... it will a Toy Story party seeing how he cannot get enough of it. He yells Buzz whenever it comes on and gets so excited.

Basically this weekend was a weekend of delight. Delighting in the ordinary, simple things that we do with and for each other everyday. It was sweet and relaxing!

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