Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June is almost gone?!

It has been a while since my last post, but seriously where has all the time gone. This summer seems to be on high speed as the days fly by. We are trying to get settled and enjoying our location. Now it seems wierd that normalcy is coming back into the picture, it is like we are just scratching our heads and asking what just happened.

We are enjoying Mimi and Papaw's pool! The boys have swim lessons there each week and both love swimming. Jonah is jumping in left and right while abe is working on the head first in water swimming. It is great to see them treat mom's house as thier second home- that is what my grandma's house was. It sure seems like we have our weekends more booked with cookouts and get-togethers! We have always been pretty social so when we moved to IL, it seemed like not a lot ever went on!

Hans is working at Starbucks through the summer, his contract with the school will start in August. The count down is on! He is coming up with all sorts of fun ideas to incorporate in his teaching and chapels. He also gets to see the boys more, he and Abe have been Xbox buddies- they play Star Wars Legos.

Nothing new to report with me. I have been working and I started Weight Watchers last week with some friends. Seems like I am pretty motivated right now. I think getting healthy for me is a huge priority right now. I just want to feel better and have more energy.

If anyone can believe it, Abe will be 5 in 9 days! I am having a hard time grasping that! He is growing up so fast. We are having a pirate party for him on the 5th! He seems pretty excited aobut it. He has only been talking about his birthday since Jonah's birthday in April!

All in all the summer seems pretty good. We are enjoying the blessings and thankful for where the Lord has brought us.

At church, we have been going through a series call Grow. They have been talking about the disciplines which is always a good reminder of the benifits. I am going to committ to reading the proverbs- lectio divina style. God has so many treasures for us in his word. I am looking forward to just enjoying it!

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